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Energy storage with electrochemical methods entails the dancing of ions in the maze of basic particles, including atoms or molecules, assembled by chemical forces. Batteries, supercapacitors, and pseudocapactiors are some compartmentalized reactors to decouple redox reactions in mass and charge transfer, where the ions make the efforts to sail through the electrolyte, land on the shore of the electrode surface, and often nail through the interface and infiltrate into the throng of basic particles hostile or friendly.

As material electrochemists, we are organizers of electrochemical events, i.e., discharge, and charge--energy storage. To mobilize all parties, including ions, electrodes, and electrolytes, we must understand their chemistry of chemical interactions. We leverage probes, either electrochemical or spectroscopic, to form a cogent understanding of how the mass of bonded atoms behaves collectively in various spatial dimensions, where rational synthesis and simulation are jointly called on. The chemical interactions during electrochemical reactions, fashioned as the formation or breaking of bonds, during the convening of ions inside electrodes, or the dismissing of ions from the electrodes, are something we most enjoy learning about. Such knowledge is associated with implications of properties, performance, and practical metrics pertaining to the mission of energy storage, and our new understanding births design principles for more powerful materials and devices.

Global warming, climate change, and pollution threaten humanity at an unprecedented pace, where the clock is ticking to detonate imminent, irreversible consequences, which will be unbearable. The matter is codified with its innate behavior to provide solutions for energy storage, where the Rubik's cube has to be swiveled and the beauty of simplicity surfaces.