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Two Ph.D. student positions are available for Fall 2024.


Motivated students who are interested in research in energy and materials: Please send your CV to Dr. Ji by [email protected]. You are also welcome to drop by Dr. Ji's office, Gilbert Hall 249, ANY TIME. We are determined to make an impact through our innovations based on materials and chemistry. The research projects you will work on may change the world. The green-energy industry is exponentially expanding, and your research experience and credentials obtained in this lab will get you well-prepared for academia, industry, research, or even entrepreneur career paths. Let's get together for something that matters!

Undergraduate Studies:

Undergraduate students are highly welcome to talk to Dr. Ji about research in his lab. You will get course credits by working in the lab. Experienced undergraduate researchers will get paid for their research in this lab. It is a wonderful opportunity to get hands-on experience through addressing challenges for a better energy future. You will find the research experience in our lab highly rewarding and extremely fun!

We look for students who are ambitious and dare to dream big.